Friday, May 10, 2013

Extra: Japanese history

794 -1185 Heian periodThe capital moved to Heian
(modern Kyoto) in 794
898 -1185 Later Heian period
1185 - 1336Kamakura periodNamed after the first military
government which was established
at Kamakura, located approximately
30 miles south-west of Edo
(modern Tokyo)
1336 - 1573Muromachi periodThe political centre returned to Kyoto
1573 - 1615Azuchi - Momoyama periodMomoyama was where the great general
Hideyoshiset up a
magnificent palace
1615 - 1868Edo periodEdo period - the Tokugawa family of
shoguns ran a strictly feudalistic military
government based in Edo (modern Tokyo)
1868 - 1912Meji periodThe authority of the emperor was
restored under the Meji family; feudal
government was abolished
Post - 1912Modern periodFrom 1912 Japan continued its
transformation into a modern,
industrialised, democratic country

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